3rd Year Studies

Each of these 3rd year courses can be taken with Academic credit, or as Audit/Personal Studies.
Visit my.vbci.org to create a free study account, or you can contact our registrar at Ph: +1 (403) 286-8337 / Email: registrar@vbci.org

Christian Ethics in Counselling

Description: This course will discuss Christian ethical issues that a counsellor will encounter. Each student will start to discover what ethics means to them as a professional and begin to incorporate ethical standards into their counselling methods.

Textbooks:  "The Christian Counsellor's Manual", by: Jay E. Adams; "The Christian Counsellor's Casebook", by: Jay E. Adams

Church History

Description: Beginning with only a handful of oppressed Jewish believers, the church now enfolds, at least in nominal belief, almost one billion people. Church History could be described as a series of revivals and declines, each successive restoration carrying it further than before. It is aggressively evangelistic. Church History covers the world at the time of Christ, the birth of the Church, the old Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Reformation, the Evangelical era, the Pentecostal Church and modern outpourings and revivals.

Textbooks: no additional textbook

Counselling 1

Instructors: Pastor Pat Dennis and Laura Moignard, MCC

Description: This course is intended to help students:

  • To understand the dynamics of issues and identify what people need counselling for.
  • To identify common problems presented in a counselling office.
  • To understand and be able to help people work through issues.
  • To understand and be able to apply basic skills of counselling to assist individuals in a supportive, ethical manner.
  • To understand when professional help is needed.

Textbook: "Christian Counselling- A Comprehensive Guide", by: Gary R. Collins, Ph.D. 

Counselling 2

Instructor: Laura Moignard, MCC

Description:  This course is intended to help the student to:

  • To understand the deeper problems presented in a counselling office
  • To understand how to counsel families and couples
  • To understand how to counsel children and Adolescence 
  • To recognize common mental disorders
  • To learn different strategies to help your client work through issues 

Textbook: "Christian Counselling- A Comprehensive Guide", by: Gary R. Collins, Ph.D.

Effective Worship Ministry

Instructor: Pastor Jason Silver

Description:  A holistic approach to Christian worship ministry in the Church. Whether you’re training to be a Lead Pastor, Worship Leader, Missionary, or a Children’s Church Director - worship ministry touches them all.  We are all called to be worshippers, not just the musicians and singers. Worship is integral to every ministry within the local Church body. For it to be the most effective, the different ministries must learn to develop a culture of worship together, and understand the priorities and essentials of fruitful worship.

Textbook: "Worship Matters", by: Bob Kauflin

Essentials of Pastoral Care

Instructor: Pastor Sherry Loewen B.A. (Psy), MCC

Description: This course is designed as an introduction to the Biblical concept of Pastoral Care.  The understanding of this topic provides the student with the basic concepts as outlined in Scripture, as well as the different methodologies and strategies for effective Pastoral Care in the local church.  A specific emphasis will be on equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to provide Pastoral Care.

Textbook: "Pastoral Care: An Essential Guide”, by: John Patton

Excellence in Ministry

Description: In Malachi 1, the Lord rebukes His people Israel because they had a propensity to offer to Him less than their very best. For sure, they had offered something, but it wasn’t the very best they had to offer. God took it as an insult then, and there is no doubt He does so now. We need to first get a vision for excellence, and then strive for excellence in every area of life and ministry. This course will begin to explore and further this process.

Textbook: no additional textbook.

Foundations of Inner Healing

Instructor: Dr. Mark Crowe

Description: The student will focus on specific areas that restrict individuals from maturing into healthy relational beings. This introductory course will unmask the effects of sin, ongoing cycles and undercurrents that leave individuals searching for meaning and purpose. This course is intended to equip VBCI students and enable them to guide others into empowered and abundant living.

Textbook: "Transforming the Inner Man", by: by John Loren Sandford and Paula Sandford


Instructor: Pastor Brad Dewar, M.Th

Description: This course is designed to give students a thorough understanding of the Epistle to the Hebrews, its general outlines, and its relevance to the church today. 

Textbook: Hebrews - Course Manual


Instructor: Pastor Dave Meyers

Description: This course provides a comprehensive look at both the historical, theological, and practical aspects regarding the subject of Homiletics. Through this study we will seek to learn how we, as both students and preachers of God's Word, can build clear, comprehensible bridges between the world of scripture and the contemporary age in which we live. The student will learn both the Biblical foundation from preaching and very practical ways to strengthen and enhance their preaching ability.

Textbook: "Between Two Worlds", by: John Stott

Leadership 3

Instructor: Pastor Sheldon Ball, B. Mgt., C.A., M.Th (Candidate) 

Description: This course is designed as an advanced leadership training class, moving past personal leadership to the leadership of teams and organizations. The topic provides the students with the understanding of training, reproducing and releasing leaders, effective delegation, building a team, working with volunteers, and effective coaching of staff. It will also provide a brief overview of the legal requirements in starting a church, including discussion on human resources and the Canada Revenue Agency.  

Textbook: "Courageous Leadership", by: Pastor Bill Hybels

Pastoral Care

Instructor: Pastor Sheldon Ball, B. Mgt, CPA, CA, M.Th.(candidate) 

Description: This course is designed as an introduction to the Biblical concept of pastoral care. The understanding of this topic provides the student with the basic concepts as outlined in Scripture, as well as the different methodologies and strategies for effective pastoral care in the local church. A specific emphasis will be placed on the vital need of establishing and maintaining a small group ministry. 

Textbook: "Small Groups for the Rest of Us: How to Design your Small Groups Systems to Reach the Fringes", by: Chris Surratt.

Pastoral Theology

Description: This course familiarizes students with the responsibilities, duties and qualifications of a full-time minister.  It enables a student to recognize whether he or she has the call into full-time ministry, and provides practical and scriptural theory concerning the roles, duties and responsibilities of pastors and other full-time ministers.


  • "Ministerial Etiquette", by: Dr. George Hill
  • "Church Ceremonies and Ordinances", by: Drs. George and Hazel Hill.

(Available through the Victory Bookstore)