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Establishing you in the Faith.

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Equipping you for Leadership.

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Empowering you for ministry.

VBCI Online

In today’s challenging financial climate, attending a residential college is a luxury that many cannot enjoy. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still take advantage of first-rate theological training! Online Bible College allows you to sit in a virtual classroom and watch the same lectures that in-class students do. Plus, you can do it on your schedule and at your own pace. If you are interested in achieving a degree, VBC online courses are fully accredited.

Feel free to check out out course offerings in the Courses section of this website.

And when you’re ready, just Register for a Free Account at our online school.

In a matter of moments, you’ll be studying God’s Word, and growing in your knowledge of Christ and His plan for your life.

With our video format, you’ll be closer to the “live classroom experience” than ever before. Over the next two years, all of our online courses will be upgraded to the video format. So, you’ll receive the same great training that you would experience if you were a student at one of our campus'. You’ll even have the opportunity to “chat” live with our Registrar if you need clarification.

Our goal is to provide every opportunity to those interested in deepening their knowledge of the Bible. (Student loans are available.)
All of the courses offered are directly applicable to VBCI’s certificates, diplomas and degrees in Theology and Christian Counselling.